Birds of a Feather

Birds of a Feather

Saturday, April 25, 2009

You Know You're a Completely Stereotypical Lesbian When...

  1. You have Saturday shorts that have nothing to do with exercise.
  2. You put on your Saturday shorts, and they have a pocket full of screws.
  3. When you put on your Saturday shorts, with a pocket full of screws, and you can't remember the project you were working on the last time you put on those shorts.


  1. Haha--sounds like you need a toolbelt, girl.

    I saw a link to here from somewhere over on FB--friend of friend of . . . you know. Love what you're writing here, especially about your kids. I think blogs have been so good for getting out the message that it's good but hard--so hard sometimes that it's hard to find the good.

    Come visit me sometime: I yack about food, the kid, all sorts of stuff--sometimes even exercise!

  2. Thank you. I'll check it out. We up-in-coming bloggers have to stick together.
